When did you start playing Chess? Why?
I learned to play Chess when I was in 1st grade from my father. I do not recall the exact reason but it was fun, and I loved playing it. Eventually, I joined the chess club at my schoo
l. Once I moved to Fort Collins I started attending Chessmates classes and found a great club.
What is your most memorable game?
My most memorable game occurred when I was in third grade. I was playing an older kid who was in 5th grade, and I was winning the game by quite a bit. But I became overconfident, made some mistakes, and the game ended in a stalemate. I was quite bummed. But it taught me to slow down and to have a healthy fear of stalemates.
What is your favorite piece?
My favorite piece has to be the pawn. The pawns, when used together, have the most versatility. And simply having one extra pawn at the end of the game often guarantees a win.
Why do you like teaching?
I enjoy teaching chess because it gives me a chance to imbue the love I have for the game in others. Learning chess has given me skills that I apply not only while playing, but in all aspects of my life. Patience, attention to detail, problem-solving; these are all things chess gave me the ability to do. I want to help others develop those things as well.