All Chessmates tournaments require you to have an active USCF ID (US Chess Federation ID) which is not covered by Club, or Tournament Fees. We often get asked, why is this? What is the USCF ID good for? So today we’re going to explain.
When you sign up for an annual USCF ID what you receive is a membership to the US Chess Federation. One of the biggest advantages to having this membership is obtaining a chess rating that allows you to track your progress. After each rated tournament you enter, depending on your result, your rating will either increase, or decrease.
To discover your rating you need to visit the player’s search on the US Chess Website.
Besides your rating, you can find your progress as well as your tournament history, statistics and much more.
Additionally, a USCF membership gets you access to the USCF online magazine: a monthly magazine that has chess news from around America!
If you are not a member, or need to renew, at any Chessmates tournament we can help. We offer a voucher program that costs $10.
Or you can also go online and Register or Renew your membership yourself.
If you see something wrong on your membership, please email and she will help correct any errors or answer any questions.